Despre rolul alimentației ca instrument diplomatic

Arlene Stein va vorbi în cadrul FORO 2019 despre Diplomația Culinară și Inovațiile Gastronomice


Arlene Stein, fondator și director executiv în cadrul Terroir Hospitality – organizație ce transformă sistemele globale din domeniul alimentației prin diplomația culinară, consideră că alimentația este un instrument diplomatic ce poate crea o conversație interculturală. De asemenea, este un portal către o regiune, un popor și o identitate, alimentația putând reflecta cultura, mediul, istoria, politica, religia și structura socio-economică a unei regiuni.

Food as a diplomatic tool can be used to create a cross cultural conversation between societies. It can be used as a platform for the promotion of peace, willingness and understanding, a fraternity between nations. Food is a language that is a portal to a region, its people and their identities. The food we eat reflects our culture, our environment, history, politics, religion and our socio-economic structure. It is represented by the ingredients we grow as well as our cooking traditions and techniques. Through migration and trade, our foodstuffs evolved to reflect ever changing societies – the place is static but the people, the ideas, the systems and the rituals come and go. Food reflects nurture and love as well as power, conflict and oppression. More than anything, the food we eat helps us build an understanding of our commonalities and interconnected relationships to each other that transcends borders. How we connect to our foodstuffs reflects our identities. When we use food as a tool to convene people around a table, we create a cross-cultural dialogue. When we examine the food, we eat, we study our history and create a portal to our humanity.”

Arlene Stein va participa în calitate de Speaker în cadrul FORO – the International Forum for Reputation in Hospitality, care va avea loc pe 7 iunie la Radisson Blu Bucharest 5* Hotel.

Photos Copyright: Miguel Andrade