Spațiul Medical, Partener Infection Prevention 2019

22 – 24 septembrie, ACC, Liverpool, United Kingdom


Au început înscrierile la Congresul pentru Prevenirea și Controlul infecțiilor 2019. Pe lângă temele centrale ale evenimentului, siguranța pacientului și riscurile la nivel global, o zi întreagă va fi dedicată prevenirii infecțiilor în secțiile de pediatrie. Spațiul Medical este Partener IPS. 

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This is the premier educational event for all those working and interested in infection prevention and control.
The three-day conference will present the latest scientific evidence from around the globe to enable you to recognise, understand and address current and emerging risks. You will learn from experts about practices which are optimising outcomes and increasing the safety of patients.

Visit the website to view the scientific programme, abstract submission information and details of the second Infection Prevention Show.  IP2019 is also hosting two one-day conferences, DIPC Day 2019 and Infection Prevention in Paediatrics, which can be attended on their own or as part of the main conference. 

Full details and registration can be found online: